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100 Unit Available
Minimum Order: 1 Unit
Cooking Instruction: Preparation Ingredients 400g of Cooked Rice & Quarter Roasted/Poached Chicken Cooking Method Mix 400g of cooked rice with the Chicken Rice Paste while the rice is still hot Serve roasted / poached chicken with chicken rice soy sauce and chicken rice chili sauce together with the chicken rice. Bahan Penyediaan: 400g nasi & Ayam panggang/rebus separuh masak Cara Memasak Campurkan nasi separuh masak dengan pes nasi ayam semasa nasi masih panas Sajikan ayam panggang/rebus dengan kicap dan sos cili nasi ayam Bersama dengan nasi ayam yang telah dimasak. *RECOMMENDED STORAGE / CARA PENYIMPANAN Store in cool and dry place. Simpan di tempat dingin dan kering.
Pembekalan Shahid
Worldline Corp S.B.
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